Funny Teacher Things Funny Teacher Things Teachers Do

When it comes to teaching and being a teacher, there are many quirks that we get to lay claim to. Our profession is unlike any other and when we look at how universal the characteristics of our job requirements are… well, there is humor to be seen.

20 Humorous and Lighthearted Realities of TeachingHere are 20 humorous and lighthearted teacher memes that have swept across teaching social media sites that accurately depict or describe the realities of teaching.

Can you relate to any?

Realities of Teaching

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Don't you get it? If I make my classroom super cute and organized, then the rest of my year will go smoothly!

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Doctor 1: She's a teacher. Doctor 2: How can you tell? Doctor 1: Look at the size of that bladder!

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

You know you're a teacher if… you know what hanitizer is.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

You know you're overworked when you count going to the bathroom as taking a break.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

I'm a teacher. I don't take care of your one child. I look after 30 at a time but yours is the most important.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

There is no tired like end of year teacher tired.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Sometimes I wish I was a new teacher again… then I would have an excuse for all the mistakes I make.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

"How to Write Lesson Plans" #1 Find your plan book. #2 Hear email… check it. #3 Eat chocolate.

#4 Chat with coworkers. #5 Surf teaching sites. #6 Try again tomorrow.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

If I could earn credits for reading teaching posts on Facebook and pinning ideas on Pinterest… I'd have a Ph.D. in Education.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

School bell rings. Kids coming into class. Lots of smiles. Day is full of promise. I like that.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Don't tell my teachers don't work all summer… even if it pinning classroom ideas on Pinterest. Sounds like prof. development to me!

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Sometimes I look around my classroom and think, "Woah… When did I grow up and become responsible?"

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

"Oh sure! I can raise your child for you. I totally understand that you're too busy playing video games and sleeping late to help."

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

There should be a course in college called, "The Truth about Teaching". Topics covered: Bathrooms, snot, crying, parents, staff meetings, sore feet, Ramen noodles.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

The next person who says, "You're a teacher? You just play all day!" will be locked in my classroom and the children will be given cupcakes.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Using glitter always seems like an amazing idea… until you see the custodian walk into your room.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

You might be a teacher if… Your lunch is portable and can be eaten while running to the copy machine.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

You might be a teacher if you can read this… "Wunsuponatime."

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

A co-worker found vomit on the floor. None of the kids would admit to it. "Mystery Barf"… Another joy of teaching!

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

December Lesson Plans 1. Scrape children from ceiling. 2. Repeat as necessary. Enough said.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Raise your hand if you've ever seriously considered retiring from teaching because you can't keep the annual acronym changes straight.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Oh she'll be ok. She just fainted from exhaustion after aligning her curriculum to CCSS.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Students if you ever want to know what a Teacher's mind feels like, imagine a web browser with 2,879 tabs open. All. The. Time.

Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Teaching is Greater than Every Other Job. It's an easy choice.

{Thanks to for so many funny memes}

Doesn't that last one just sum it up? Hope these brought a smile to your face or made you chuckle. It's amazing what teachers accomplish and choose to do everyday!

Need More? Check out the rest of the 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions…12 Funny and Clever Things Said No Teacher... Ever

  • 12 Funny and Clever Things No Teacher Said… Ever
  • 6 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions
  • 8 Honest and Prodding Teacher Political Memes
  • 10 Insanely True and Funny Teacher Quips

Teach Junkie

Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.


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